Chronicles of Athena – 19 Weeks

The Christmas season is upon us and it is the time of year where the scientist is lured to the drinking hole and spends much of the day trying to insulate herself from noises and strong smells. In other words, t’is the season to imbibe.

It was at one such gathering of scientists that we raised the possibility of agility training Athena, based on a video that’s been doing the rounds on Facebook. I was asked if Athena is food-motivated, which made me laugh. My morning routine now involves doing my teeth and checking my emails in the kitchen so Athena will pause to eat instead of running about like a lunatic.

So should I start agility training Athena any time soon, here’s what I think the ranking of her motivations looks like:

  1. Cuddles. Everything and anything will be stopped for the possibility of cuddles.
  2. Play that involves hunting.
  3. Those little Whiskas treat thingies, preferably if she can hunt them.
  4. Ear scratches.
  5. Mr Ducky and Mr Chicken in a non-hunting capacity
  6. Hunting people from underneath the bed.
  7. Dry food (which has the little Whiskas treats in it)
  8. Climbing shelves
  9. Knocking things off shelves
  10. Wet food (not fish).

I think between Mr Ducky and myself we could get Athena round an agility course -until she decided she was bored and needed to paw at someone for affection.

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